Monthly Archives: June 2008

the politics of Coral Reef Initiatives; the politics of Green

11th International Coral Reef Symposium, July 2008, Ft. Lauderdale.

If I am able to attend the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, I will listen and learn from World Experts in their field of Marine Science.

All the while preaching Water Quality Monitoring Systems with TMDL Standards, this time with Real Standards.


“The World should have Ocean Waters as pristine and clean as the Seychelles Islands.”


Water Quality Monitoring Standards do not exist or have been proven to be worthless in our United States. Particularly in Estuaries, Rivers, Streams, Lakes, Ocean Bays, and Bodies. The EPA, DEP, DFW, ERM, DOE, DOA will all attest to this Fact.


Why should we continue to have Symposiums and Conferences regarding Water without concentrating on Water Quality Monitoring Standards?

If you are a Reef Aquarium Hobbyist and do not monitor your water, you will kill your invertebrates and consequentially all of your fish, it’s really that simple.


Florida’s Endangered Animal Species List by EarthRehab

Endangered Species Florida Cougar

Learn more about Endangered and Threatened Species and Actions being taken to Save these vulnerable animals with the EarthRehab portal:  
Here is the updated list for the State of Florida: (sorry, no plants were listed)
Shortnose sturgeon
Okaloosa Darter
American Crocodile
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Hawksbill Sea Turtle
Kemps Ridley Sea Turtle
Wood Stork
Everglades Snail Kite
Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow
Florida Grasshopper Sparrow
Red-cockaded Woodpecker
Florida Panther
Red Wolf
Key Deer
Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit
Silver Rice Rat
Key Largo Wood Rat
Key Largo Cotton Mouse
Choctawhatchee Beach Mouse
Anastasia Island Beach Mouse
St. Andrews Beach Mouse
Perdido Key Beach Mouse
Indiana Bat
Florida Saltmarsh Vole
Fin Whale
North Atlantic Right Whale
Humpback whale
Sperm Whale
Caribbean Monk Seal
Schaus’ Swallowtail Butterfly
Fat three-ridge (mollusk)
Shinyrayed Pocketbook (mollusk)
Gulf Moccasinshell (mollusk)
Ochlockonee Moccasinshell (mollusk)
Oval Pigtoe (mollusk)
Elkhorn Coral
Staghorn Coral

Surgeon Fish with Unicorn in Florida

Brown surgeonfish with unicornunicorn surgeonfish reef

Is this a new species of Fish in Southeast Florida?

Actually its an Orange Spotted Filefish, they look and act like a Triggerfish/Tang.